NGO CSW/NY Monthly Newsletter: February 2020
Feb 7 at 9:02 PM
NGO CSW/NY Newsletter
Volume II | Issue 6 | NGO CSW/NY Publications
In this issue
Parallel Events Schedule
Parallel Events Rules and Code of Conduct
Purchase a Handbook Ad Now!
Caucus of Women and Girls of African Descent
Consultation Day and Reception Tickets
Feminist & Women’s Movement Action Plan Updates
Generation Equality Forum Action Coalitions Updates
January Monthly Meeting Recap
Upcoming Beijing Platform for Action Study Group Meeting
Upcoming February Monthly Meeting
Calendar of Events
NGO CSW64 Forum Parallel Events Schedule
The Parallel Events schedule is now available on our website! View the schedule here.
NGO CSW64 Forum Parallel Event Regulations and Guidelines
Whether you are hosting a Parallel Event or are just planning to attend Parallel Events, please review the Parallel Event Regulations and Guidelines.
NGO CSW/NY takes these regulations very seriously. If you do not follow them, we have the right to remove you from the venue, and/or reject any future event applications.
Purchase a Handbook Ad Now!
This year’s Handbook will be a special Commemorative Edition:
CSW64 / Beijing+25: Realizing Gender Equality and the Empowerment of All Women and Girls
Reserve your page in the 2020 NGO CSW64 Forum Handbook now to assure your place in this important event documentation. (Space is limited!)
Deadlines: Advertising reservation deadline is 10 February 2020. All printed ad copy is due 13 February 2020. All online ads are due no later than 28 February
Click here to view a PDF of last year’s NGO CSW63 Forum Handbook
Caucus of Women and Girls of African Descent at CSW64
In addition to our regional caucuses during the NGO CSW64 Forum, we’re proud to announce the return of the Women and Girls of African Descent Caucus!
This year, the two Women and Girls of African Descent Caucuses will be held in the Church Center at the United Nations. Below are the details for the two events
Wednesday, 11 March
Time: 6:15PM
Location: CCUN, Chapel
Tuesday, 17 March
Time: 6:15 PM
Location: CCUN, Chapel
Consultation Day and Reception Tickets Are Now on Sale!
Consultation Day:
Date: Sunday, 8 March 2020
Time: 9AM – 3:30PM
Location: Apollo Theater in Harlem, NYC
Price: Orchestra & Lower Mezzanine – $100; Upper Mezzanine – $50
Date: 10 March 2020
Time: 6:30 – 8:30PM
Location: The New Yorker Hotel
Price: $85
Feminist & Women’s Movement Action Plan Updates –
VoiceVoice Virtual Conversations Now Available!
You are cordially invited to join the VoiceVoice virtual conversations of the Feminist and Women’s Movement Action Plan (fwMAP) for Beijing+25. The purpose this conversation is to create community and strategize together. At the end, you can choose an action that can help us to draft the Feminist and Women’s Movement Action Plan.
The experience is very interesting because you can choose your own time and date. The group is its own moderator. You watch videos together, discuss questions, and choose actions at the end. Register here:
- Theme 1: Inclusive Development, Shared Prosperity and Decent Work
- Theme 2: Poverty Eradication, Social Protection and Social Services
- Theme 5: Peaceful and Inclusive Societies
For more information about the Feminist & Women’s Movement Action Plan and the schedule of Maestro Conferences, visit our website.
Generation Equality Forum Action Coalition Information
UN Women released a call for leaders of Action Coalitions on Friday of last week. We are encouraging youth-led organizations and movements; front-line advocates and human rights defenders; and grassroots activists to apply.
For more information about the Generation Equality Forum Action Coalitions, see UN Women’s website.
January Monthly Meeting Recap
By: Alisha Parikh, Intern
Thank you to everyone who attended our January monthly meeting both in-person and online! January’s meeting focused on creating transformative change and meaningful opportunities for participation through shifts in power.
If you were unable to join us, you can watch the Facebook Live video or read the recap here.
Upcoming Beijing Platform for Action Study Group Meeting
Date: 10 February
Time: 12 – 1PM EST
Location: CCUN, 10th Floor
The meeting will also be available to join via Zoom.
Upcoming February Monthly Meeting
Date: 20 February 2020
Time: 1 – 3pm
Location: CCUN, 2nd Floor
February’s Monthly Meeting will focus on CSW64, Beijing+25, Feminist and Women’s Movement Action Plan, and the Generation Equality Forum. Our goal is for you to leave the meeting with clarity on all that’s happening now for gender equality and women and girls’ human rights. And we hope you can confidently share that information to others.
The meeting will be available via Zoom and Facebook Live.
NGO CSW/NY Calendar of Events
For a calendar of NGO CSW/NY’s, visit our website or download it here.
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